Home > Replica Hermes Handbags > Others > Hermes Cabag Weekender Bag Red Cowhide Leather
Hermes Cabag Weekender Bag Red Cowhide Leather-handbag replicas
List price: $374.00USD
Promotion price:$315.00USD
You save:$59.00USD
Promotion price:$315.00USD
You save:$59.00USD
- "Quality: Top Grade AAAAA/ 1:1 mirror quality
All of the pictures are on Vogue King are 100% photoes of real products.
Main color: Red
- Can be carried by hand or worn on the shoulder.
- One zipped pocket on the front.
- Unlined, inside pocket.
- Aluminum rods with Clou de Selle ends for lightness.
- Size(LxHxD): 15.7"" x 11"" x 4.7"" (40cm x 28cm x 12cm)
- Shoulder Handle:4.7""(12cm)
Packaging: Hermes original dust-proof plastic packaging bags
Note: Hermes with the original serial number, serial card and a detailed description.
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